Worship Service Replay
2/16/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Light Work
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
Scripture: Romans 13:8-12; 1 Thess 5:4-5
2/9/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: I'm Thirsty!
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7
2/2/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Loving like Jesus
Speaker: Pastor AI Warren
Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48
1/26/2025 法拉盛華人浸信會中英聯合主日崇拜
12:45pm Chinese & English Combined Worship
經文:詩篇 8 篇
講員:Pastor Albert Tse
Title: Picture Perfect
Scripture: Psalm 8
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
1/19/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Level Up
Scripture: Phil 2:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Ray Villegas
1/5/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Fresh Starts
Scripture: John 8:34-36
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
12/29/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Provision for the Sparrow
Scripture: Matthew 10:29-31
Speaker: Pastor Randy
12/22/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Relentless Hope
Scripture: Luke 2:25-30;34-37
Speaker: Pastor Stanley Hui
12/15/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Scripture: Romans 8:1-2, 38-39
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
12/8/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Jesus Christ, Son of God
Scripture: John 20:19-29
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
12/1/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Am I thankful?
Scripture: Philippians 2:14-17
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
11/24/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Rebuilding: I See You
Scripture: John 10:14
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
Flushing Chinese Baptist Church
39th Anniversary & Thanksgiving
Combined Worship
1:15 pm (English and Chinese)
主題 Sermon:我們這一家 - 法拉盛華人浸信會 Our FCBC Family
經文 Scripture:以弗所書 Ephesians 4:2-3, 約翰福音 John 17:20-21
講員 Speaker:宋簡文傳道 Pastor John Sung
11/10/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Rebuilding: The Hidden Life
Scripture: Psalms 91:1-9
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
11/3/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Rebuilding: Attitude of Gratitude
Scripture: Colossians 3:23-24
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
10/27/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Rebuilding: Brick by Brick
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-10
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
10/13/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Suffer and Reign
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
10/6/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: He Knows My Name
Scripture: Psalm 8
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
9/29/2024 聯合主日崇拜 (中英語)
12:45pm Combined Worship (Chinese and English)
主題:The Mistaken Identity
經文:Exodus 2:1-14
講員:Pastor David Dean
9/22/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: The Crux of the Matter
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:2
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
9/15/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Mistaken Identity
Scripture: Exodus 2:1-14
Speaker: Pastor David Deam
9/8/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Who is Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20
Speaker: Pastor Stanley Hui
8/25/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Old Self, New Self
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-32
Speaker: Pastor Pastor Randy Bibighaus
8/18/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Deeply Rooted
Scripture: John 15:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Timothy Chen
8/4/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Suffer and Reign
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
7/21/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Grow Up In Christ
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1
Speaker: Pastor Randy
7/14/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Fathomless Wealth of Christ
Scripture: Ephesians 3:8
Speaker: Pastor Randy
7/7/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Can You Handle the Truth?
Scripture: John 8:31-32, 14:1-6
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
6/30/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: One Way Love
Scripture: Exodus 34:14
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
6/23/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Jesus is the Reason
Scripture: John 1:1-5
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
6/16/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: A Father Brings Abundant Life
Scripture: Proverbs 23:12-25
Speaker: Pastor Randy
6/9/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Cross & the Thorn
Scripture: 2 Cor. 12:1-10; Luke 9:23
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
5/19/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Scary God: Walk In The Fire!
Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:1-40
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
5/5/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: From Confusion to Conversion
Scripture: Numbers 21:4-8, John 3:1-8, John 19:49-40
Speaker: Pastor Stanley Hui
4/28/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: If I Only Know
Scripture: Matthew 24:36-44
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
4/21/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Strange Creatures!
Scripture: Ezekiel 1:1-28
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
4/14/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Gospel: from Genesis to Revelation
Scripture: Luke 24:25-27; 44-47
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
4/7/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: 3 Remedies of Fear
Scripture: John 20:19-23
Speaker: Pastor Ray Villegas
1:15pm 復 活 節 主 日 聯 合 崇 拜(中英語)
Easter Combined Worship (English/Chinese)
Title: Until Jesus is Enough For You, Nothing Else Will Be
Scripture: Acts 13:26-35 Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
主題:有主耶穌勝過萬有 經文:使 徒 行 傳 13:26-35
講員: 謝百昌傳道
3/24/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: They Stopped Cheering
Scripture: Luke 19:29-44
Speaker: Pastor Chee Meng
3/17/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Man Enough?
Scripture: John 11:35
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
3/10/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Parable of the Birds
Scripture: Amos 8:11-12
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
3/3/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Storm Breaker
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
2/25/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Thoughts and Prayers
Scripture: Matthew 20:29-34
Speaker: Pastor Ron Chen
2/18/2024 新春聯合崇拜
12:45pm Lunar New Year Combined Worship
主題: 你聽見了嗎?
Title: Can You Hear Me Now?
經文: 撒母耳記上 3:1-21
Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-21
講員 Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
2/11/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Man Enough?
Scripture: John 11:35
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
2/4/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Stand
Scripture: Galatians 5:1, 13 & 14
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
1/28/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Insights for Endurance
Scripture: Romans 15:1-6
Speaker: Pastor Ray Villegas
1/21/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Way of Holiness
Scripture: Isaiah 35:8 and Colossians 2:6
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
1/14/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: You Have Clean Feet
Scripture: John 13:1-17
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
1/7/2024 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Let's Go, 2024!
Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
12/31/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Gift
Scripture: James 1:17-18; 2 Corinthians 9:15
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
12/24/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Hope of Simeon!
Scripture: Luke 2:22-35
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
12/17/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Remember
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
12/10/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: I'm Done!
Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
12/3/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: It's Complicated
Scripture: Genesis 28:12-17
Speaker: Pastor Al Warren
11/26/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Changed Lives!
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:5-10
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
11/19/2023 三十八週年立會暨感恩聯合崇拜
1:15pm 38th Anniversary & Thanksgiving Combined Worship
Title: Yes, you
經文:以斯帖記 4:14
Scripture: Esther 4:14
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
11/12/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Tested and Proven (Part 3 of a 3 Part Series)
Scripture: Romans 1:14-17
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
11/5/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Tested and Proven
Scripture: Romans 1:14-17
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
10/29/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Decisions, Decisions
Scripture: Roth 1:16-18
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
10/22/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Sloth Life
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
10/15/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: FREE!
Scripture: Galatians 5:13-15
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
10/8/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Law and Grace
Scripture: Romans 2:12-16 & 5:20 - 6:4
Speaker: Pastor Randy Biblighaus
10/1/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Knowledge is Power
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
9/17/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Tested and Proven
Scripture: Romans 1:14-17
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
9/10/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Giving Up is Not an Option
Scripture: Nehemiah 4:4-14
Speaker: Pastor Chee Meng
9/3/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: “ There is no place like home: Part 3: No Way Home”
Scripture: John 19:28-30
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
8/27/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: “There's No Place Like Home, Part 2: You’re Not From Around Here, Are You?”
Scripture: Ephesians 2:19-22
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
8/20/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: There Is No Place Like Home: Part 1 Homesick
Scripture: Isaiah 40:28-31
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
8/13/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: This Life is Short
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Speaker: Pastor Randy Biblighaus
8/6/2023 退修會中英聯合崇拜
Retreat Combined Worship
9:30am (English&Chinese)
主題 Title: Get It- Together! 同心同建造
經文 Scripture:
使徒行傳 Acts 4:29-35
講員 Speaker:
Pastor David Dean
7/30/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Parable of the Church:Give Me Oil in My Lamp!
Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13
Speaker: Pastor Randy Biblighaus
7/23/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: I Am Your Neighbor
Scripture: John 8:2-11
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
7/16/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Calm Beyond Compare
Scripture: Matthew 8:18-27
Speaker: Pastor Ben Ing
7/9/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Breakdown OR Breakthrough
Scripture: Exodus 14:10-14
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
7/2/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Who Is Your Neighbor
Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
6/25/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Be Ready: Even As Life Goes On
Scripture: Matthew 24:36-51
Speaker: Pastor Randy Biblghaus
6/18/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Father’s Heart
Scripture: Luke 15:11-20
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
6/11/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Lesson From the Lost
Scripture: Luke 11:20-31
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
6/4/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Certainly of Uncertainly
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7-9
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
5/28/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: The Gift That Keep on Giving
Scripture: Genesis 25:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Ben Ing
5/21/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Cost and Reward
Scripture: Philippians 1:12-20; 21-30
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
5/14/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: What is Love
Scripture: I Corinthians 13:1-7
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
5/7/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Fear < (Fearless)
Scripture: Luke 1:69-79
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
4/30/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: A Graceful Heart
Scripture: Luke 17:11-19
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
4/23/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Who Do You Say I Am
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-16
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
4/16/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Renewal of the Kingdom
Scripture: Luke 17:20-37; Genesis 1:26-28
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
4/9/2023 1:15pm
Easter Combined Worship (Chinese&English)
經文:約翰福音 9:1-25
Title: The Truth Shall Set You Free
Scripture: John 9:1-25
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
4/2/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: Stretch Out Your Hand
Scripture: Mark 3:1-6
Speaker: Pastor Al Warren
3/26/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: Reckless Love
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
3/19/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: Time with Abba
Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
3/12/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: What do I do with SIN?
Scripture: Genesis 3:1-13 & John 14:6
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bilighaus
3/5/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: Drawing Near to the Son
Scripture: James 4:7-8; Hebrews 10:22
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
2/26/2023 下午中文堂主日崇拜 (國粵語)
1:15 pm Chinese PM Worship (Mandarin & Cantonese)
主題: 萬事互相效力的人生
經文: 羅馬書 8:28-31
講員: 許德信牧師
2/26/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: Can't Buy Me Love
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
2/19/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: The Seed of Rebellion
Scripture: 4:1-16
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
2/12/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Tolerance Gone Wrong
Scripture: Revelation 2:18-28
Speaker: Pastor Ken Carlson
2/5/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Sermon: The Write-Off
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:11-16
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
1/29/2023 新春中英聯合崇拜
Lunar New Year Combined Worship
12:45pm (Chinese & English)
Sermon Title: Who is God? Scripture: Exodus 3:10-14 Speaker: Pastor David Dean
主題: 神呀!你是誰?
經文: 出埃及記 3:10-14
講員: Pastor David Dean
1/22/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: God's Answer to the Question, "Why?"
Scripture: Job 13:13-18
Speaker: Pastor David Dean
1/15/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Creation: Foundations of Christian Beliefs
Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31
Speaker: Pastor Randy Bibighaus
1/8/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: Playing It Safe
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
Scripture: Revelation 3:15-16
1/1/2023 英文堂主日崇拜
11:30am English Worship
Title: No Compromise
Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17
Speaker: Pastor Ken Carlson