About Us


Become a powerful spiritual being, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, share Christ with others in our churches, communities, and the world. Become a fellowship of worship, experience awareness of God, know His characteristics, and respond to His leadership with obedience.

Increasingly experience meaningful fellowship with God and human being. Become a church in the name of Jesus, serving the community and the world selflessly. By emphasizing loyalty to Christ in life, temperament, and possessions, become a Christian who is determined to be like Christ in our daily lives.

Basic Belief Statement

We affirm the Bible as the inspired word of God and the foundation of our faith. This church agrees with the teachings of the "Baptist Faith and Information" accepted by the Southern Baptist Association in 1963. We voluntarily formed a community of baptized believers in Jesus Christ and personally determined to share the gospel of salvation with unbelievers. The liturgy of the church is the baptism of the believers and communion.

FCBC Pastor

Rev. Stanley Hui (Senior Pastor)

Rev. Stanley Hui is the senior pastor of Flushing Chinese Baptist Church. He graduated from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in California. He has a passion for mission and had served in different countries both long term and short term. He had also served in many different churches in Oregon, California and New York. He married Margaret Yeung in 2003 and got two lovely children, one daughter and one son. He is an enthusiast in classical guitar and organ. Rev. Hui enjoys cycling in Staten Island in the morning as well as fixing old computers.

Email Rev. Hui: ps23hui@fcbcny.org

Pastor Albert Tse

Pastor John Sung